Thinking of purchasing a yacht, but not sure if the 1M + investment is for you. Well, think again. There are companies that can make owning a yacht not only an enjoyable yachting experience but affordable and practically risk-free.
We know people engage in a lot of activities for enjoyment, and yachting is one of the most fun-filled activities. Owning a luxury yacht comes with some prestige – sort of a status symbol. This is mainly because yachts cost millions to purchase and maintain. And with such a high cost, even the rich are looking at alternative ways to own a luxury yacht without all the maintenance hassles.
When we purchase a yacht for the first time the excitement is there, and although yachting is a fantasy for most, let’s face it there are only so many days you will realistically use it. The problem is the maintenance can’t wait for you to come back it is a constant and permanent task while you own the yacht. Insurance often requires a full-time Captain onboard. Some Captains have the basic knowledge of mechanics and cleaning, but it’s not something they like to do. More than likely you will need to add additional crew for polishing, mechanics, electrical, cleaning and so on. Some think that they can keep the yacht in the water with little or no maintenance well think again: filters need to be changed, oil changes need to be done, the bottom needs to be cleaned from the growth of barnacles, strainers need to be cleaned, A/C units serviced, generators and engines need servicing as well. The list is endless. Marine mechanics and electricians charge a hefty penny for their work and the larger the vessel the deeper your pockets need to be. So on top of the purchase price of the yacht be prepared to dish out another 10{4d40cc26d078fd4100d2daf00165e0560f17ee302de6bc2409b7ee95793dc9eb} annually of the full cost. Not trying to discourage you from enjoying the yachting lifestyle on the contrary just being honest with what it entails to own a yacht outright. As a matter, a fact we encourage you to do your research. These are obstacles we try to not think about, or we think that somehow they will go away as we are busy enchanted by the beauty of the yachting lifestyle, the yacht itself, and the prestige that comes with it.
What if you could have your cake and eat it too? What I mean by this is have your yacht, share your expense with other owners and yet still have pride of ownership, equity and use the yacht when you would like to use it. How about a fractional ownership company provides you with your very own cruising crew, a cleaning crew, a private concierge that makes all your arrangements, maintenance crew, mechanic, electrical engineer, laundry services, just to name a few. In a nutshell, a great fractional company can have your yacht ready when you are and when you are done your crew looks after it all. This will immensely help you in keeping yacht expenses down. Best of all no one but yourself will know you don’t own the yacht outright.
A luxury yacht is not your ‘everyday’ boat. The size of a yacht ranges anywhere from 40ft to 328ft in length. This provides a lot of room for enjoyment – you have enough fun while sailing on the waters. Having said this a yacht as we all know is a depreciating asset so do not be surprised if the millions you pay today are worth only a few hundred tomorrow. If this does not matter to you then stop reading this -fractional yacht ownership is not for you.
Now for those of you that want a luxury yacht and where investments are applied do matter then read on as there is a way you can invest wisely without excessive loss. Yachts come with luxury cabins that can accommodate as many guests as possible, sometimes up to twelve or more. Your friends, family members, or business colleagues can join the fun, and space wouldn’t be a problem. They will have enough accommodations to make their trip quite relaxing and so much fun. Closing deals on yachts is common amongst businessmen as well.
There are also tax benefits where you can write off up to $500,000 and with a fractional ownership company, they act as your management company we can also charter the weeks you will not be using so you can counteract any expense. Many individuals would love to own a yacht, so as to enjoy all these amenities and also the classy-effect that comes with it. How about a minibar or galley on the sea? Most yachts come with both an indoor and outdoor bar or entertainment area, and professional bartenders ready to mix and serve you your favorite whiskey. Get on the deck in the evenings and ‘wet your whistle’ with your co-travelers while staring out at the ocean. Talk about class! Finely designed dining rooms are typically found in luxury yachts. Your guests would surely have an exciting dining experience. More so, outdoor dining can also be set to avail your guests to enjoy the beauty of the sunset and the sea itself.
However, one major hindrance is the price and upkeep expenses. This shouldn’t be an issue anymore, as fractional yacht ownership is designed for individuals that want to enjoy the prestige of yacht ownership without the maintenance expense and hassles of ownership. What’s more? – You walk on in style and walk off in style, without bothering about cleaning or maintenance hassles, as the management company takes care of everything.
Imagine this case scenario: You agree to meet your family or business partner at the yacht club for a few drinks while you wait for the rest of the family to join you. In the meantime, your children, wife or grandkids wish to go sunbathing or to play by the pool in the yacht club. Now that the whole family has arrived you are ready to enjoy your cruise on your private yacht to the Florida Keys. The Captain and crew wait for you by your private yacht. The stewardess serves you a few drinks prior to departure. You sail away to enjoy your time with your family or business associates and when your trip is done you simply walk off in class and the crew prepares for the cleanup and maintenance. Yes, it’s that simple! And yes this is the best way to own a yacht!